As Earth Day approaches, a look at some of the many ways 主要研究是 making a difference


主要研究的堆肥计划平均收集25个,000 to 40,在整个学年中,每个月浪费的食物多达1000磅, 结果超过200个,每年堆肥000磅.

Sustainability and a planet-friendly ethos have long been core 主要研究 values. The university is home to the country’s first endowed Sustainability Institute, 它在2023年庆祝了25周年, 是美国仅有的三所高等教育机构之一.S. to earn the STARS Platinum rating from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) in 2017, 这是目前最高的评级,也是一所联合国大学仍然可以自豪地宣称的.

Those values are embodied in the work being done at the university on a daily basis. 主要研究 expertise continues to help society confront some of the most pressing challenges facing the planet today, 包括海平面上升, 塑料污染, 温室气体排放, 极端天气等等. As Earth Day approaches April 22, here are 10 ways that 主要研究是 helping to save the Earth every day:

  1. 主要研究所有的食堂 获得了四星评级 将于2023年被绿色餐厅协会(GRA)批准, making it one of only two universities in the country to be able to make that claim.
  2. 联合国大学拥有 强大的堆肥程序, 平均25分,000 to 40,在学年期间,每个月收集的食物垃圾达1000磅, 结果超过200个,每年堆肥000磅. Food waste from all dining halls and the 主要研究 Memorial Union Building (MUB), 以及选择宿舍和公寓, 运到金曼研究农场进行堆肥.
  3. 联合国大学的研究正在推动加强替代能源的发展. 超过三分之二的美国人.S. 风能资源位于深水区, prompting growing interest in the deployment of floating offshore wind farms. 2美元.500万美元的合同来自美国.S. 能源部 (DOE), 联合国大学的一个团队将领导研究,以最大限度地提高电力产量, 限制硬件损坏,降低浮动海上风力发电场的成本.
  4. 校园是由 创新高效的能源. 联合国大学受益于各种能源. Our COGEN heat and power facility exemplifies this by capturing and reusing waste heat from electricity production — a process that significantly enhances our overall energy efficiency and reduces emissions. 自2009年以来, this facility has been powered primarily by methane harvested from the ECOLine project, 一项开创性的垃圾填埋气转化能源计划. 该项目有效转化了甲烷气体, 一种来自附近垃圾填埋场的强效温室气体, 变成了我们运营的宝贵能源. This approach not only helps mitigate environmental impacts but also demonstrates our commitment to sustainable energy practices.
  5. 联合国大学的研究人员正在提出解决方案,使我们的地球变得更美好. 例如, 会Wollheim, the director of 主要研究’s Water Systems Analysis Group and associate professor of natural resources, 引导人们努力去理解 塑料垃圾 来自三个主要城市——波士顿, 芝加哥和多伦多——正在溪流和河流中定居, breaking into pieces and ultimately entering the Great Lakes or the ocean.
  6. 除了, Liz Burakowski和Alexandra Contosta, 他们都是地球系统研究中心的研究助理教授, 把他们的研究重点放在快速 北美冬季变暖, looking at the effects of both high and low levels of carbon dioxide emissions on future climate warming scenarios. They found that a reduction in emissions could preserve almost three weeks of snow cover and below-freezing temperatures.
  7. 主要研究是 帮助减少碳足迹 通过提供关键的测量工具. SIMAP (Sustainability Indicator Management and Analysis Platform) is a one-of-a-kind, 主要研究-created nitrogen and carbon accounting platform utilized by more than 500 academic institutions, 非营利组织, 小型企业, 世界各地的市政当局和其他组织. Last spring it underwent a significant functionality update that allows it to calculate all Scope 3 indirect emissions, 哪一种可以占到一个组织总排放量的一半以上.
  8. Professor of biogeochemistry Ruth Varner is not only a leading researcher in methane emissions from wetlands and permafrost, she also leads several programs to train the next generation of climate researchers. 出现 (EMergent Ecosystem Response to ChanGE) provides funding for undergraduate and graduate students to travel to Arctic Sweden and conduct research that investigates how a rapidly warming Arctic is transforming permafrost peatlands into wetlands. 和 北极研究与教育趋同 (CARPE) trains graduate students to tackle the complex socio-ecological challenges of changing seasonality in the Arctic.
  9. 主要研究的研究人员在这方面发挥了关键作用 制定实现净零温室气体经济的路径 到2050年.
  10. 海平面上升和洪水威胁着朴茨茅斯的斯特劳贝里银行, 主要研究 researchers are helping the living history museum combat these climate change-induced challenges with 传感器技术 它监测建筑物地下室的水位.
斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特 | 603-862-1855